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Norræna frá Hryggstekk


Is a 6 years old mare, named after the ferry that travels to Iceland, born 2010, reg. nr. IS2010276139


Norrænas Father is IS2004175280 - Bútur frá Víðivöllum fremri.  He is an astonishing stallion used for competition mainly in Norway where he has been ridden by Nils-Christian Larsen.  Búturs father is IS1996135467 Flygill frá Vestri-Leirárgörðum a first class stallion in breeding judgement and Búturs mother is IS1992275278 - Duld frá Víðivöllum fremri.


Norrænas Mother is  IS1987225330 - Drottning frá Kópavogi.  She has already delivered 3 offsprings in first class in breeding judgement.  Príma frá Úlfsstöðum, Sólmundur frá Úlfsstöðum and Framsókn frá Úlfsstöðum. 


Norræna is a real eye-catcher and very charming .  She is liable and controlable.  The trot is unusually big with long strides and secure.  The gallop/canter is with good stretch and beat.  The pace is not yet trained.  The tölt is with high front leg-action and good rythm. 


We think of her as a perfect fit for competition and future breeding. 

Norræna is easy to handle and to go with other horses and has been trained to be ridden following a group of loose horses.  She is also tidy, wich is very good for a horse with that color and all this mane and tail.  We have known her since he was bourne and we owned her mother and father. 


P.S. Notice that the rider in the video is 1,94 cm tall

To see her in action, click on the video below....

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